The Empty Glove of Alvin Stardust

Lying forlorn in a dusty drawer,
this single glove
that has touched so many.
The black leather of a pure heart.

Who and what are you pointing at now?
Nobody and nothing
apart from a pair
of antique undercrackers.

the thumb and three fingers
stretched out
straight and proud
but the index curved over
like a scorpion's stinger.

Where is your twin?
Living in some glam mam's memory box,
smelling faintly of talc
and working man's sweat?

Such a gauntlet
cries out to be flaunted.
I'm going to wear it for one last time
and strut around town telling school kids
"you must be out of your tiny minds."*

B.R. 22/03/2016

* As Alvin did in the Green Cross Code road safety campaign Children's Heroes (1976).
RIP Alvin.


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