EllisTown Funk!


She drove me to Coalville
in her red Hillman Imp Convertible.
Pulling in at Barton in the Beans 'n' Sausages,
she wolfed down a Lion Bar
 and followed it up with a Yorkie,
smorking a high tar cigarette between gobfuls.
"Ooh, so this is what she likes."
She told me it was over at Minnesotas Sports Bar.
It was karaoke night - she sang "It's Raining Men".
I sang Lee Marvin's "Wan'drin' Star".
Drunk and desperate,
I pretended to have a cardiac arrest.
She finished her Stella,
linked arms with her new fella
and stepped out into the North West Leicestershire night.
She was a girl who didn't like looking back.

I decided to make some changes.
A friend suggested I try the Elvis diet
so I popped out and bought the book
but I got the '75 version
(when I needed the '57).

Now all I do is scowl in my terry towelling cowl.
I slouch around town just like a monk.
I suppose there are worse habits to get into.
Downtown dressing gown, EllisTown Funk!

B.R. 10/03/2015


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