One Night in Grantham
I strap my head into a lobster pot helmet,
crimp my luscious camel lashes,
draw a douchebag 'tache on my lip with felt tip
and perch a pair of perky pince-nez on the bridge of my neb.
It feels like high time for my muklukked feet to hit the street.
I am cool, cocky and confident;
my mating dance looks magnificent
(the old Blockbuster hand jive
sure brings the queens to the beehive).
I mooch on down
to (Leslie) Grantham town centre,
skilled in the art of love
and looking for thrills.
Three hours 18 minutes later:
Now, 'ere I am,
sat on me 'arris in these cells
and that copper is winking at me
decidedly lasciviously...
B.R. 28/10/2014
decidedly lasciviously...
B.R. 28/10/2014
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