Hypnic Jerk

A hypnic jerk is an involuntary twitch which occurs during hypnagogia, just as a person is beginning to fall asleep, often causing them to awaken suddenly for a moment. Physically, hypnic jerks resemble the "jump" experienced by a person when startled, often accompanied by a falling sensation.
(Medical College of Wisconsin, Sleep: A Dynamic Activity)

I keep my dreams
Out of mind, out of sight,
Locked up in a briefcase
As beige as all starlight.
I can't give you the key.
I don't know where it is.
Don't talk to me
Of psychoanalysis.
I'll keep my inner conflicts
Where they belong.
I don't want to get on your tits
With my rabbiting on.
In the dark lonely night,
When I'm too tired to sleep,
I get to thinking and it pains me,
To contemplate the wasted
Youth of Calvin Woodstainsby
And his even more heinous maturity.
(I don't know this for sure
But it's bound to be.)
Messerschmitt time is messing with my mind.
Jarvis Cocker flies a Focke-Wulf.
I share a pasanda with George Sanders
Then it's '90 and I'm back in The Gulf.
I toot tunes on a macaroon bassoon,
Shout "View, Halloo!", cause a hullabaloo.
I steal the Duke of Devonshire's baking beans
While seals in sweatshops are making jeans.
I'm on a date with Paulette Goddard and it's top
Till she disses my sideburns and I call a cop.
Down at Argos I order a coffin
Then drink schnapps with General Von Klinkerhoffen.
I never give no breaks to no suckers.
I find seven brides for seven motherfuckers.
Back of the chip shop, I look for a shunt.
"Hold dat vinegar, greasy haired schweinhund!"
I loiter sadly in the subway of sighs.
Drift off in the arms of Captain Birdseye.
Give me oblivion, forgetful bliss.
I don't want to remember any of this.

B.R. 12/03/2013

Power Prop Flying Gliders. I used to enjoy collecting and flying these things when I was a munchkin. As I hope you can see the self-assembly was exceedingly difficult - a bitch in fact. I remember the Mitsubishi Zero appearing very exotic and exciting to my young eyes. When I was in the shop of  Bradford Industrial Museum recently I was delighted to discover that they still make them. Unless they were a batch of original gliders still hanging around from the 1970s.


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