I'm Not Well!

I have seen the Foxy Bingo fox ripped apart by bloodthirsty beagles.
I have looked on aghast as The Laughing Cow has undergone unlicensed electroconvulsive therapy.
I have tried in vain to stop Professor Yaffle stuffing Bagpuss in a greasy sack and hurling him into the canal.
I have watched Tony Hart flattening Morph and Chas with a rolling pin, with a smirk on his face and mirthlessly laughing.

I have tried to forget the sight of Larry Grayson repeatedly shutting the door on the heads of poor bastards unable to afford their protection payments.
I have witnessed a moribund Nick Knowles emerging from the crypt, screaming at the moon "But I'm not dead yet!"
I have been an innocent bystander at the sacrifice of disco dollies to appease the vengeful gods of Torode and Wallace.
I have said what I have seen in all of its dark insanity. Roy Walker's got a shotgun and he's coming after me.

B.R. 15.09.2022

Be careful Meecelings, lest Professor Y hops down from his bookcase and pecks your eyes out!
 "Evil is goin' on wrong... I am warnin' you brother, you better watch your happy home."


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