Fire up the chip pan!
These Maris Pipers
must not die in vain!
Do you think me insane?
No! Don't answer that!
Just lower me slowly
into this sizzling fat.

Let slip the dogs of war:
two tubs of mushy peas
and a side of sleazy coleslaw.
Do you still want more?
If you're prepared to try them,
take these breaded goujons of my heart.
Be careful how you fry them.

Lorraine may pitter-patter.
It really doesn't matter.
Life tastes so much better
when it's encased in batter.

But still the big lad looks thoroughly vexed
in his greasy diaphanous vest.
Could it be that there's something amiss?
Nay lad, it's just a Margherita pizza
sliding into the oily abyss...

B.R. 22/08/2018


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