43 Years in the Life of an Untrammelled Moisturemind


I sleep in a phone box
(not much room)
and eat only toadstool
(not mushroom).


I put on lederhosen
and go out and boogaloo.
I say
"Keep me abreast,
preferably two."
I return at daybreak,
looking like summat
the Maine Coon
has won
in a scrap with a stoat.


One day
in the perpetual Ashbourne autumn
she said
"You've done your gallivanting
and your Knight Riding to hounds.
You can buy the Magic Bus
for one hundred English pounds."


I have now satisfied myself
that the human race is doomed
so I spend my days
setting an example to the Daleks.

It's so cathartic an ting,
ruthlessly exterminating.


Here I stand,
an unpleasant
plucked peasant.
Imagine Tom
(from Tom and Jerry),
unzipped of his fur.

Stick an apple in my mouth
and roast me on a spit.
Don't stand around on ceremony.
Flipping get on with it!

B.R. 16/10/2016

Syd Barrett, photographed in his back garden in 1971 by Mick Rock.


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