Revolving Board
Bob Monkhouse
looks down a row of crossbows
and nods.
It is good.
Paul Daniels
looks up at a row of boobs
and laughs.
It is magic.
Sir Bruce Forsyth
looks down on row upon row
of smiling faces.
It is nice to see them.
To see them, it is nice.
Jim Bowen
looks down at the arrows of Eric Bristow
and sighs with relief.
The money he won for charity,
it is safe.
The Time of the Revolving Board is nigh
- non-darts player to throw first -
but how can this couple risk it all,
the TV with wired remote control,
for a chance at winning Bully's Star Prize:
the key to everlasting life?
B.R. 04/01/2021
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