The First Time/The Last Time

The first time I saw you
my monocle popped out of its socket
The first time I saw you
I almost fell off my shooting stick
The first time I saw you
my whiskers pinged and stood to attention
The first time I saw you
I quickly forgot the retired greyhound convention
The first time I saw you
I was struck dumb
left open-mouthed and gawping
like a lecherous goldfish
The first time I saw you
I got so hot
I had to strip down to my socks and pants
The first time I saw you
the vicar Royston Pippin
 didn't know where to put his face
and it completely changed the vibe
of the Sunday school picnic
The first time I saw you
What can I say?
We stood still
We all stood still
Still stood still
and nothing else in the whole world
seemed to exist
The first time I saw you
I thought What a cracking bird
and my wife psychically rebuked me
for being so sexist
The first time I saw you
it was like a beautiful thing waiting to happen
like a newly hatched butterfly about to take wing
or Shatner clearing his throat getting ready to sing
The last time I saw you
you were walking hand in hand
with a young man
built like something made from bricks
The last time I saw you
you were boarding a bus to Belper
(a Trentbarton number six)
The last time I saw you
you had my golf clubs slung over your shoulder
where once you'd had a sack of oven chips
The last time I saw you
you didn't look a single day older
despite the quick slick passing of the years
The last time I saw you
the light was dwindling
it was raining grey splashy tears
I had to turn on the wipers
on my binoculars
B.R. 16/09/2015 


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