Eyes Flashing Angrily

Eyes flashing angrily,
Metal Mickey is tied to a trebuchet
and hurled behind the ramparts
of Castle Grayskull

where Grotbags and She-Ra
are embarking on a fromage à trois
with foil-wrapped Laughing Cow
and a tub of Philadelphi-ah.

His helmet gleaming in the sun,
von Klinkerhoffen (His Teutonic Highness)
is mounting a bitter rearguard action in
the war against vaginal dryness.

"Bigger boobs - best", blip-blip-blip...
prancing about in incontinence knicks.
Can't you see? She just wants to be free.
A little bit of wee won't stop she being she.

No medical! No awkward questions!
Mr Man is made up to have paid up
for the complete peace of mind
that comes with Over 50s life cover.
So, dear Eddi Reader, picture his dismay
when an enemy sniper picks him off
on the eve of his 50th birthday.

B.R. 13/10/2020

"I was sitting all alone, watching people getting off, with each other
They were dancing 'cross the floor, turning movement back and forth, they were lovers
One more lonely night for me, I looked up what did I see...

Sexy eyes"


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