In the Shadows

Who's that in the shadows?
Who's that in the shadows?

I do believe it's Brian Bennett,
bagging up some dog shit.
But what's that bulging in his pocket?
Is he carrying a knife?
I'm sure it's just for gutting fish,
you know I hear he's quite the rodsman.

Who's that in the shadows?
Who's that in the shadows?

It's got so dark it's hard to tell
but it looks a lot like Brucie Welch,
shimmering guitarist in midnight mist,
taking the air with a pair
of antique duelling pist-

Who's there in the shadows?
Who's that twat in the shadows?

If I'm not mistaken it's Hank Marvin,
stood beneath a tree and carvin'
his initials and yours inside a heart,
skewered with an arrow, shot with a dart;
at his creepers, a bag of surprise:
a stash of roofies and some cable ties.

Walk into the shadows.
When lonely night falls in the park.
Walk into the shadows.
Embrace both light and dark.

Walk into the shadows.
Let them take you by the tremolo hand.
Walk into the shadows
and disappear to a Wonderful Land.

B.R. 17.05.2023


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