So Hott!!!

Feel like I could reach up
and pull down the clouds
which get in the way
of me and the sun.

I can see the faces
of aliens in the sky.

Icarus, grab your wings!
I do declare
that today
we're going flying an' ting!

Too long in the polytunnel.
Passed out in the greenhouse.
Scrawled shakily in the dust:
N O B O D Y  N E E D S
T H I S  M A N Y   T O M A T O E S.

No water for days now.
The river bed is dry
as a duck's queam quacker.
Men sup lustily
at trickling streams of lager.

I could burst
into a sheet of flame
with my A4 papery skin.

Best not
get too hott...
so I shall refrain
from drinking in
the sexy curves
of Peter Purves.

"Tell me,
Mr Buzzy Bee,
have you got some
honey for me?"

(BB responds:)
"You just don't get this do you,
you dried up old didgeridoo?"

B.R. 14/06/2020

Like Icarus, Michael Gove flew too high for his own good...
and wilted in the political heat.
Picture by B.R. 


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