The Edge of Eternia


They say that a good cup of tea
should be the colour of He-Man.
I happen to know for a fact
that He-Man loves a wee cuppa
when he's out riding Battle Cat,
after a day spent wanking about
on the edge of Eternia;
when he feels drawn
and coloured in
by an orange felt-tip pen.

Oh! Nature's sweet restorer!
Be it a beautiful builder's brew,
Lapsang Souchong, oolong and on...
the lengths He-Man will go to
for a dish of Orange Pekoe.
PG Tips give him the strength to grip
and hold aloft the Sword of Power.
He drinks four steaming cups an hour.

He-Man should be the colour
of a good strong cup of tea.
He takes his flask along
(for the purpose of comparison)
when he goes to the tanning salon.
Pretty lady, let me stew
for another minute or two...


(I've also heard that She-Ra
is partial to a cup of char.)

They say that a good macaroon*
should be the colour of the curtains
in Man-At-Arms' back bedroom...

B.R. 30/01/2016

* Not to be confused with Macaron.


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